@echo off echo THIS SCRIPT IS NOT FULLY TESTED YET echo use at ur own if not defined DISTRONAME set DISTRONAME=void if not defined STORAGEPATH set STORAGEPATH=%cd% if not defined USER set USER=spirit mkdir .void-on-WSL2.temp cd .void-on-WSL2.temp echo downloading 7zr.exe... curl.exe -LSfs --remote-name --remove-on-error https://7-zip.org/a/7zr.exe echo downloading void-x86_64-ROOTFS... curl.exe -LSfs --remote-name --remove-on-error https://repo-default.voidlinux.org/live/current/void-x86_64-ROOTFS-20240314.tar.xz 7zr.exe x void-x86_64-ROOTFS-20240314.tar.xz -oextracted wsl.exe --import %DISTRONAME% %STORAGEPATH% extracted\void-x86_64-ROOTFS-20240314.tar echo downloading init-void.sh and setup-void.sh... curl.exe -LSfs --remote-name --remove-on-error https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spirit-x64/scripts/main/init-void.sh curl.exe -LSfs --remote-name --remove-on-error https://raw.githubusercontent.com/spirit-x64/scripts/main/setup-void.sh wsl -d %DISTRONAME% -e sh -c "USERNAME=%USER% ./init-void.sh --wsl" wsl --terminate %DISTRONAME% wsl -d %DISTRONAME% -e sh -c "./setup-void.sh --no-gui" cd .. rd /s /q .void-on-WSL2.temp echo Void Linux ready (it could be, didn't check tho..) echo Press any key to exit . . . pause>nul