# Lumiere Server
**Lumiere Server is a web server designed for people who want to build a basic website in a quick and simple way.**
**_If you want to support me, you can star the project 👀🌃_**
## Build the JAR
To build the JAR file, first clone the repository as shown below:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git -y
git clone https://github.com/DevSnaith/lumiere-server.git
After the cloning is done, ``cd`` to the ``lumiere-server/`` folder. There you will find the `compile.sh` script; run it to generate the jar file.
>In case you cannot execute `compile.sh`, give it executable permission using `chmod +x ./compile.sh`.
cd lumiere-server/
chmod +x ./compile.sh
If all goes well, you will find a new file called ``lumiere-server.jar``, Type ``java -jar lumiere-server.jar`` the output should be like the one shown below:
Lumiere-server version
lumiere-server at github https://github.com/DevSnaith/lumiere-server
Now copy the ``lumiere-server.jar`` and add it to your project.
## Usage/Examples
`Lumiere` class contains the basic things that must be available for the server to work well, it manages the traffic of requests and forwards them to the `HttpRequestHandler` interface. It also adds some properties in the header.
You need to pass a `HttpRequestHandler` to `Lumiere`, The easiest way to do that is to use the `SimpleResponse` class that implements the `HttpRequestHandler` interface.
#### Example using ``SimpleResponse`` class
int server_port = 8080;
String body = "Hello, World!";
boolean contentTypeIsHTML = true; // false = text/plan
SimpleResponse requestHandler = new SimpleResponse(body, contentTypeIsHTML);
Lumiere server = new Lumiere(requestHandler);
server.bootServer(server_port); // start the server
If you want to make a dynamic response, use ``HttpRequestHandler``
#### Example using ``HttpRequestHandler`` interface
/* new HttpRequestHandler */
new Lumiere((HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) -> {
You can create multiple pages for your simple server using ``HttpController``
#### Create responses using ``HttpController`` class
HttpController controller = new HttpController();
controller.addHandler("/", new SimpleResponse("GO TO INFO", true));
controller.addHandler("/info", new SimpleResponse("Meow", false));
controller.addHandler("/agent", (HttpRequest request, HttpResponse response) -> {
new Lumiere(controller).bootServer(8080);
## Logger
``Lumiere-server`` includes a logger class called ``GlobalLogger``.
Use ``GlobalLogger.printf(...)`` to send a message via ``GlobalLogger``.
#### Example
//                v Msg Level   v The Msg   v obj to return  v formatting the msg
GlobalLogger.getLogger().printf(LogLevel.INFO, "Math: %d", Â null, Â Â Â Â Â Â (5 + 5));
// [INFO 0:00 AM]: Math: 10
You can change the message output by changing the outputstream using ``GlobalLogger.os = ;``
You can change the log pattern, the default pattern is ``[!L !D{h:mm a}]: !M\n``.
| char     | usage                        |
| !L Â Â Â Â Â | Prints the msg level. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |
| !M Â Â Â Â Â | Print the msg. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |
| !CNAME Â Â Â | It is used to find out where the message came from. |
| !D{pattern} | Print the date. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |
#### Pattern Example
GlobalLogger.pattern="FROM: !CNAME | YEAR: !D{YYYY} | MSG: !M\n"
// FROM: org.eu.lumiere.net.RequestListener | YEAR: 2023 | MSG: Lumiere using port 8080
Disable it using ``GlobalLogger.pattern=""`` or ``GlobalLogger.os = null;``