// class to load 7zip wasm module // and extract files from archive import SevenZip, { SevenZipModule } from "7z-wasm"; // @ts-expect-error 7z-wasm have that file but typescript can't find it when query it with url import SevenZipWasm from "7z-wasm/7zz.wasm?url"; import * as Comlink from "comlink"; import mime from 'mime-types'; export interface iFile { name: string; path: string; isFolder: boolean; toggle: boolean; extension?: string; content?: iFile[]; } export class SevenZipManager { sevenZip?: SevenZipModule; consoleOutputBuffer: string[] = []; archiveName: string = ""; constructor() { this.init(); } async init() { this.sevenZip = await SevenZip({ locateFile: () => SevenZipWasm, print: (text) => { if (text.lastIndexOf("\b")) { text = text.substring(text.lastIndexOf("\b") + 1); } this.consoleOutputBuffer.push(text); console.log(text); }, }); } execute(commands: string[]) { if (!this.sevenZip) return; this.consoleOutputBuffer = []; this.sevenZip.callMain(commands); return this.consoleOutputBuffer; } async loadArchive(file: File) { if (!this.sevenZip) return; this.archiveName = file.name; const stream = this.sevenZip.FS.open(this.archiveName, "w+"); let archiveData = new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer()); this.sevenZip.FS.write(stream, archiveData, 0, archiveData.byteLength); this.sevenZip.FS.close(stream); // 7zip get files list let filesString = this.execute(["l", "-ba", this.archiveName]); // parse files list let unorganizedFiles = filesString!.map((fileString) => { let file: RegExpMatchArray = /[\s+|(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})]\s+(?[AD.]+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?\d+)\s+(?.+)[\n\r]{0,}/.exec(fileString)!; let isFolder = file.groups!.type?.indexOf("D") > -1 ? true : false; return { name: file.groups!.path.lastIndexOf('/') > -1 ? file.groups!.path.substring(file.groups!.path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) : file.groups!.path, path: `/${file.groups!.path}`, isFolder: isFolder ? true : false, extension: isFolder ? "" : file.groups!.path.substring(file.groups!.path.lastIndexOf('.') + 1), content: isFolder ? [] as any[] : undefined, } }); // sort unorganized files by depth unorganizedFiles = unorganizedFiles.sort((a, b) => { const aPathArrayLength = (a.path.match(/\//g) || []).length; const bPathArrayLength = (b.path.match(/\//g) || []).length; if (aPathArrayLength > bPathArrayLength) return -1; if (aPathArrayLength < bPathArrayLength) return 1; return 0; }); // sort files and folder inside each folder const pathArrays: any = {}; for (let file of unorganizedFiles) { // get parent folder file const parentPath = file.path.substring(0, file.path.lastIndexOf("/")); let parentFolderFile = pathArrays[parentPath] || unorganizedFiles.find(_file => _file.path === parentPath); if (!parentFolderFile) { unorganizedFiles.push({ name: parentPath.substring(parentPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1), path: parentPath, isFolder: true, extension: "", content: [], }); parentFolderFile = unorganizedFiles.find(_file => _file.path === parentPath); }; // add file to parent folder content if (!parentFolderFile.content) parentFolderFile.content = []; parentFolderFile.content.push(file); // cache split path array to avoid calling split() multiple times const pathArray = pathArrays[file.path] || file.path.split("/"); pathArrays[file.path] = pathArray; } // remove folders from root const files = unorganizedFiles.filter(file => (file.path.match(/\//g) || []).length == 1).sort((a: any, b: any) => { // sort by folder and from a to z if (a.isFolder && !b.isFolder) return -1; if (!a.isFolder && b.isFolder) return 1; if (a.name < b.name) return -1; if (a.name > b.name) return 1; return 0; }); return files as iFile[]; } // wait until console output is empty async waitConsoleOutput() { if (!this.sevenZip) return; let breakLoop = false; let lastLength = this.consoleOutputBuffer.length; while (!breakLoop) { await new Promise((resolve) => { if (lastLength == this.consoleOutputBuffer.length) { breakLoop = true; return; } lastLength = this.consoleOutputBuffer.length; setTimeout(resolve, 10) }); } return; } // generate blob url from buffer (Experimental) async generateBlobUrl(file: iFile) { if (!this.sevenZip) return; file = typeof file === "string" ? JSON.parse(file) : file; // override archive name as file name file.path = '/' + this.archiveName; this.sevenZip.FS.chdir("/"); console.log("Directory content before extracting", this.sevenZip.FS.readdir("/")); // extract file from archive this.execute(['x', '-y', this.archiveName, file.path.substring(1)]); console.log("Directory content after extracting", this.sevenZip.FS.readdir('/')); console.log({ file: file.path.substring(1), p: file.path }); const stream = this.sevenZip.FS.open(file.path, 'r'); const stat = this.sevenZip.FS.stat(file.path); const bufferLength = stat.size; const buffer = new Uint8Array(bufferLength); this.sevenZip.FS.read(stream, buffer, 0, bufferLength, 0); this.sevenZip.FS.close(stream); console.log({buffer}); // const blob = new Blob([buffer], { type: mime.lookup(file.extension!) || "application/octet-stream" }); // const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); // console.log({blobUrl}); return "blobUrl"; } } Comlink.expose(SevenZipManager);