
85 lines
2.7 KiB

{aad4f414df97e94928a3f0624a62c07e470b24bd true 2737 history-manager.ts 0xc002b756c0}

import { FilesManager } from "./files-manager";
// class to manage undo and redo history
export class HistoryManager {
// path to the current file
private path: Ref<string> = useSelectedPath();
// history of paths
history: Ref<string[]>
// index of the current path in the history
index: Ref<number>
public readonly hasUndo: ComputedRef<boolean> = computed(() => this.index.value !== 0);
public readonly hasRedo: ComputedRef<boolean> = computed(() => this.index.value !== this.history.value.length - 1);
// constructor
constructor(private filesManager: FilesManager) {
this.history = ref([this.path.value])
this.index = ref(0);
watchEffect(() => {
if(this.filesManager.getFile(this.path.value)) {
// add a new path to the history
add(path: string) {
// if the path is the same as the previous path, do nothing
if (path === this.history.value[this.index.value]) return
// if the path is the same as the last path in the history, do nothing
if (path === this.history.value[this.history.value.length - 1]) return
// if the index is not at the end of the history, remove all paths after the index
if (this.index.value !== this.history.value.length - 1) {
this.history.value.splice(this.index.value + 1)
// add the path to the history
// move the index forward one
// undo the last action
undo() {
// if the index is 0, do nothing
if (this.index.value === 0) return
// move the index back one
// set the path to the path at the index
this.path.value = this.history.value[this.index.value]
// can undo the last action
canUndo() {
// return true if the index is not 0
return this.index.value !== 0
// redo the last action
redo() {
// if the index is at the end of the history, do nothing
if (this.index.value === this.history.value.length - 1) return
// move the index forward one
// set the path to the path at the index
this.path.value = this.history.value[this.index.value]
canRedo() {
// return true if the index is not at the end of the history
return this.index.value !== this.history.value.length - 1
refresh() {
this.path.value = this.history.value[this.index.value]
reset() {
this.history.value = [this.path.value]
this.index.value = 0